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  • Tokyo University of Foreign Studies


Monday,February 17 2025 12:30~14:30 pm (JST)

【Call for participation】Undergraduate Experiences in Japan and Africa: Exchange Students Symposium

"Inter University Exchange Project (Africa)" began in 2020 will end in March 2025. A closing conference will be held on 17 February with 10 universities conducted this project in Japan. As part of this Closing conference, we will hold "Undergraduate Experiences in Japan and Africa: Exchange Students Symposium". This symposium aims to look back and share the achievements of undergraduate-level exchange programs. Please join us!! Undergraduate Experiences in Japan and Africa: Exchange Students Symposium Date: Monday 17th February 2025, 12:30-14:30 (JST)Venue: Hybrid (Zoom or TUFS Agora Global 1F Prometheus Hall)Participants: Open to PublicLanguage: EnglishRegistration: Please register from hereDeadline→Sunday 16th February 2025*For on site participants: You are welcome jump into the event but we would appreciate it if you pre-register. *Please visit this page for the latest information as needed.
Other Events
December 11, 2024 5:40p.m.~ 7:10p.m. (JST)

The 98th ASC Seminar "The Initiative-Killing Machine: The End and the Future of Peacekeeping"

The 98th ASC Seminar will be held with Associate Prof. Louisa Lombard, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Yale University. Please come along and join us if you are in the area, you can also join us via Zoom, please register in advance. Title: "The Initiative-Killing Machine: The End and the Future of Peacekeeping" Abstract: In the 21st century, expectations of UN military peacekeepers have risen. They are supposed to do whatever it takes to protect civilians - including use force. However, the increase in writ has been accompanied by an increase in bureaucracy and risk aversion, putting the soldiers in a bind. My ethnographic research with Rwandan soldiers working as peacekeepers shows the everyday ways that UN peacekeeping has therefore become redundant in the complicated conflict management marketplaces of Central Africa today, and is being taken over by bilateral and sub-regional deployments that make no pretense of impartiality. This talk illustrates these points by looking at the problem of command (the philosophy of how to get soldiers to do things), arguing that rather than a command philosophy, the UN has a control philosophy. The result is an initiative-killing machine. ◆Speaker: Associate Prof. Louisa Lombard, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Yale University https://anthropology.yale.edu/profile/louisa-lombard【Books by Associate Prof. Louisa Lombard】https://amzn.asia/d/izhhT5o、https://amzn.asia/d/j2KDlL5 ◆Date:December 11th, 2024 (Wed) 5:40p.m.~7:10p.m.(JST)/ 8:40a.m.~10:10a.m.(GMT) ◆Venue:Hybrid  Onsite: Room107(1F Research and lecture bldg.,TUFS Fuchu Campus) Online:ZOOM ◆Language:English ◆Addmission fee:Free 【Please pre-register in advence from here】Or Use QR Code. Registration deadline: Noon Dec 11th, 2024 (Wed) The Zoom link will be sent after you pre-registerd. ◆Jointly organized by African Studies Center - TUFS and Kanto Branch of Japan Association for African Studies Report We held the 98th seminar in a hybrid style and 16 participated on-site and 23 participated online. Prof. Louisa Lombard gave her presentation on 'The Initiative-Killing Machine: The End and the Future of Peacekeeping', being followed by lively discussion among Japanese and African scholars and also students in TUFS.
ASC Seminars
November 29, 2024 5:40p.m.~ 7:10p.m. (JST)

The 97th ASC Seminar "Our faith, our republic": An ethnographic re-assessment of the theory of religious nationalism in Ghana's public governance"

We are pleased to announce that the 97th ASC Seminar will be given by Dr. Charles Prempeh, a visiting associate professor invited by ASC. We also welcome Dr. Ran Muratsu, an assistant professor at ILCAA-TUFS, who will join us as a commentator. Please come and join us! Title:"Our faith, our republic": An ethnographic re-assessment of the theory of religious nationalism in Ghana's public governance Abstract:How does religion manifest in public governance? Can devotees of transcendental religions pursue this-worldly over the other-worldly? What is it about public governance such that it incorporates religion as an alibi? These questions demand existential responses rather than technical ones. Similarly, they continue to shape conversations about secularization, modernity, public governance, human rights, and sovereignty and trans-national relations. The increasing ubiquitous expression of religion and its enduring entanglement with public governance requires daily reflections on the nexus between faith and the world of pluralities. My presentation will rely on ethnographic data and personal immersion to reflect on the tapestries of the encounter between faith and religion in the modern governance of Ghana. ◆Speaker:Dr. Charles Prempeh (Visiting Associate Professor, African Studies Centre, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / Research Fellow, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) ◆Commentator:Dr. Ran Muratsu (Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ◆Language:English ◆Date:November 29th Fri.2024  5:40p.m.~7:10p.m.(JST)/ 8:40a.m.~10:10a.m.(GMT) ◆Venue:Hybrid  Onsite: Room115 (1F Research and lecture bldg.,TUFS Fuchu Campus) Online:ZOOM ◆Addmission fee:Free 【Please pre-register in advence from here】Or Use QR Code. Registration deadline: November 28th, 2024 (Thu) * Registration will be closed when capacity is reached. The Zoom link will be sent after you pre-registerd. ◆Jointly organized by African Studies Center - TUFS and Kanto Branch of Japan Association for African Studies Report We held the 97th seminar in a hybrid style and 12 participated on-site and 18 participated online. Dr. Charles Prempeh gave his presentation on '"Our faith, our republic": An ethnographic re-assessment of the theory of religious nationalism in Ghana's public governance'. Dr. Ran Muratsu provided her comments based on her research in Benin, being followed by lively discussion among Japanese and African scholars and also students in TUFS.
ASC Seminars
December 7, 2022~December 8, 2024

ILCAA Symposium 'Situated Choices, Student Identities and Agencies for University Education in Uganda'

ILCAA Symposium 'Situated Choices, Student Identities and Agencies for University Education in Uganda' An international symposium will be held at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies on 7 and 8 December 2024 (Saturday and Sunday).Young researchers, including postgraduate and PhD students, are invited to attend the casual lunch meeting on Saturday. It will be an excellent opportunity to network across research fields. There is no charge for participation. We look forward to seeing you there! Venue: Room 303, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA),Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) Access: http://www.aa.tufs.ac.jp/en/about/access Language: English Admission: Free   Register:https://forms.gle/QenrrF4ixJUZa7hE9. Please register by 4 Dec 2024! ◆Please check the time and program on the ILCAA website.
Other Events
ILCAA Symposium 'Situated Choices, Student Identities and Agencies for University Education in Uganda'

Dr. Prempeh has returned to Ghana

January 29, 2025
(Dr.Prempeh on the right, in front of the TUFS statue, just before leaving for the airport; TUFS student Mr.Jato on the left) Visiting Associate Professor, Dr. Charles Prempeh, who stayed at TUFS as a visiting professor in the fall semester of the 2024 academic year, has returned to Ghana after completing his term. He gave a very interesting lecture on "Religion and public governance in Africa" in International Cooperation 2. In addition to lectures at Kobe University and Hiroshima University, and to a class of Africa majors. We look forward to seeing you again in Japan!

Dr. Prempeh gave guest lectures

December 24, 2024
Dr. Prempeh, our visiting associate professor, gave guest lectures for two classes; "Global Society and Local Society 2" (Dr. Chihiro Kumashiro) and "English Ⅱ-6" (Prof. Takanori Oishi). In "Global Society and Local Society 2" (6 November), he gave a lecture entitled "Religion and everyday life in Ghana", and in "English Ⅱ-6" (10 December), he gave a lecture entitled "Hijab is my identity". In both classes, he engaged in active discussions with the students. A film, "Empowering Women: Queen of Inanga",was screened in the "English Ⅱ-6" class on 24 December, and Dr. Prempeh also commented on it. Mr. Irene Iradukunda, one of our exchange students from Rwanda, co-directed this film. It features a lady who challenges playing traditional guitar, which has long been prohibited for women. After the film screening, Prof. Oishi held a Christmas party in his class, and Dr. Prempeh also joined and experienced a Japanese-style Christmas. Thank you very much to Prof. Oishi and Dr. Kamishiro for this wonderful opportunity.

【Only for TUFS】TUFS IAfP Closing Conference

17 Jan 2025 17:40~19:40
TUFS IAfP Closing Conference.pdf Tokyo University of Foreign Studies "Inter University Exchange Project (Africa)" began in 2020 will end in March 2025. A closing conference will be held on 17 January to look back on the achievement and consider the exchange programme between African partner universities in the future. Please join us!! →→ Visit the website & Pre-register here: https://www.tufs.ac.jp/iafp/en/_closing/

Dr.Prempeh gave his lecture at Hiroshima University

November 21, 2024
Dr. Prempeh, our invited visiting associate professor, gave his lecture at Hiroshima University on November 21, 2024. The title was Nima-Maamobi in Ghana's Postcolonial Development. 10 participated on-site (face-to-face only). Dr. Prempeh gave his lecture based on his book Nima-Maamobi in Ghana's Postcolonial Development: Migration,Islam and Social Transformation (Langaa, 2022), followed by lively discussions with graduate students from Africa and other areas who are interested in migration and gender.