Hoshi Izumi "Filming Tibetan pastoralists offering prayers" (Qinghai Province, China)

Muratsu Ran "Anthropological installation of the gods in Benin" (Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA)

Hoshi Izumi "Signboard with a mix of Tibetan and Urdu languages" ( Northern Pakistan)

Shaping the Future of Field Sciences TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)

What is TUFiSCo?

TUFiSCo is an organisation established at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, dedicated to exploring new frontiers in Asian and African studies.

  • Co-creation with Society:

    We present our research to the public and actively engage in collaborative efforts to shape research initiatives together.

  • Advancement of Field Archiving:

    We digitally store data collected in Asia and Africa, making it accessible online to the public.

  • Exploration of New Field Science Methods:

    We explore new research approaches by harnessing the latest technologies and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.


At TUFiSCo, we plan various events catering to both the general public and researchers. Please take a look!