Yoshida Yukako "Workshop of Balinese masked theater" (Multimedia Seminar Room, ILCAA)


Feb 5 (Mon) 2024, SERNYA Meeting: Let's think about modern Tibetan literature and filmmaking

2023.12.05 update

SERNYA Meeting: Let's think about modern Tibetan literature and filmmaking

Date & Time: February 5th (Mon.) 2024, 15:00-17:30

Venue: 405, ILCAA


1)Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) "Reading JINPA, a film by Pema Tseden"

2)Film screeningI, as a part of a Tibetan class of TUFS, will follow after a small talk by Prof. HOSHI.

Admission: Free

Pre-registration is required.

General Inquiries: hoshi[at]aa.tufs.ac.jp (please change [at] to @)

Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Japan Tibetan Literature Association