Plans and Performance
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FY2015 Re-Inventing Japan Project TUFS , TUAT , UEC
Project Name
(FY2015 Re-Inventing Japan Project・Main Counterpart (Latin America))
A Co-Creative Education Program of Humanities and Sciences to Solve Global Issues Confronting Japan and Latin America
Project Overview
This project is a collaborating initiative between Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), and the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) to jointly foster human resources with practical vision and an active role in the global community to solve global-level issues including environment, resources, energy, food, and socioeconomic development that affect Latin America and Japan.
Overview of the Exchange Program
Short-term: Cross-Cultural Communication Program for approx. 4 weeks
To understand the current situations of Japan.
Mid-term: Area Studies Program for approx. 6 months to 1 year
To improve students’ abilities to properly grasp and analyze the background and factors of challenges in a professional field.
Long-term: Double Degree Program for 1 year or more
To cultivate students’ comprehensive abilities to deeply understand challenges for propose solutions.
Human Resources to be Fostered in the Project
This program aims to foster globally-active human resources backed by practical expertise.
TUFS aims to foster human resources who has language abilities with a diverse background including technology skills. They will identify challenges faced by Latin America and organize and manage a team dedicated to help solve these.
TUAT and UEC aim to foster human resources with the capacity to identify challenges faced by Latin America and to lead a sustainable development in the fields of environment, food, energy, and ICT.
Distinctive Features of the Project
The three Japanese partner universities will cooperate to foster human resources with commitment and action on the global stage. To take international leadership, it is essential to have knowledge in culture, languages, and liberal arts, practical expertise in science and technology, a global vision, as well as capabilities to solve challenges at the local levels. In order to contribute to socioeconomic development in Latin America, this program will combine the strengths and capabilities of the three universities: TUFS’ education and research in languages, liberal arts and area studies; TUAT’s research and technology in environment, food and energy; and UEC’s research and technology in ICT.
Expected Number of Exchange Students