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(from here)

差出人: "Mrs.Michiko Inaba"
件名: Charity/Investment Project
日付: 2015年6月8日 5:47:26 JST
返信先: "Mrs.Michiko Inaba"

Hello & I hope all is well,

I am on a mission to find a God-fearing partner to help me distribute a large amount of my funds to a charity organizations within your country. I am a widow to a late merchant and I have recently been diagnosed with cancer. Due to my illness, I will be undergoing extreme surgeries, which hence the reason why I am looking for a trustworthy partner that has a direct mind to accomplish similar goals with charities. Please reply me at your earliest convenience if you are ready and willing to help distribute my funds for a greater cause. I am willing to give you 10% for your time and efforts. Please contact me at my personal email address %%%a@%%%.%%% if you are interested. I look forward to your reply.

God Bless You,

Mrs. Michiko Inaba


2015年6月 9日 20:39に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「呟きから 6/8-9」です。

