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FINDAS International Conference Series 4: Examining Stigmatization of Leather Industry: By Focusing on the Labor Forms of Dalits and Buraku, edited by Toshie AWAYA, Tsutomu TOMOTSUNE and Maya SUZUKI, March 2020.
2019 FINDAS International WS proceedings dalits東京外国語大学南アジア研究リサーチペーパー9 特別号
Nandita Das Special Lecture “Personal Life is Political: Women’s Issues in Contemporary India,” edited by Toshie AWAYA and Maya SUZUKI, March 2020.
FINDAS International Conference Series 3: Gender and Ethnicity in Bangladesh: Life as a Rohingya Refugee, edited by Toshie AWAYA and Maya SUZUKI, March 2019.
2018 FINDAS international WS proceedings rohingya_compressed (1)東京外国語大学南アジア研究リサーチペーパー
金澤 真実 (Mami KANAZAWA)
Participation of Women with Disabilities into Women Development Groups under Community Development Program in Bangladesh: through the Capability Approach
東 聖子 (Masako AZUMA)
Mobilities and cultural practices of Punjabi migrants in the Greater Toronto Area
FINDAS International Conference Series 2: Literary Intervention and Political Culture in South Asia, edited by Toshie AWAYA and Maya SUZUKI, February 2018.
2017 FINDAS international workshop proceedings 2東京外国語大学南アジア研究リサーチペーパー6
上澤 伸子 (Nobuko UESAWA)
(The Choice of Work for Minority Women in Bangladesh)
FINDAS International Conference Series 1: Women’s Work in South Asia in the Age of Neo-liberalism, edited by Toshie AWAYA and Maya SUZUKI, June 2017.
2017 FINDAS international WS proceedings_final text updated 170727-compressed東京外国語大学南アジア研究リサーチペーパー5
相川 愛美 (Emi AIKAWA)
(The Relationship between Hindu Woman and Its Kulā Devī (Family Deity) in Contemporary India: Focusing on Raṇī Satī Worship)
田中 鉄也(Tetsuya TANAKA)
The State and the Transformation of Religion: Marwari Merchants and Hindu Temple Management
FINDASリサーチペーパーシリーズ4 田中鉄也東京外国語大学南アジア研究リサーチペーパー3
村上 明香 (Asuka MURAKAMI)
(The Women Mirrored in Early Urdu Novels)
須永 恵美子 (Emiko SUNAGA)
(Interpretations of East Pakistan by Maududi: A Focus on the Bengali Independence Movement)
松木園 久子 (Hisako MATSUKIZONO)
(On a Trend of Reading in Today’s Delhi)
Working Paper No.2 松川恭子 (Kyoko MATSUKAWA)
(Local Development of Modern Indian Theatre in Tiatr (Popular Theatre in Goa): With Special Focus on Controversies over “Tradition”)
March 2011
Working Paper No.5 小尾淳 (Jun OBI)
(A Study on the Formation and the Transition of the Narayana Tīrtha Āradhana: Reports from the Field)
March 2011
Working Paper No.6 小西公大 (Kodai KONISHI)
(Respective Authenticity: A Consideration about ‘Tradition’ and ‘Modernity’ from the Viewpoint of Manganiyars in Thar Desert, India)
March 2011
Working Paper No.7 山本達也 (Tatsuya YAMAMOTO)
(Engaging in the Tradition: How Tibetan Performing Arts Group Manages Now)
March 2011
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