Research Plan

Overview of Research Plans

I. Research Activities

1. Holding Research Meetings
  • The Practice and Theory of Crisscrossed Social Movements Research Meeting and the Social Transformations and Literature Research Meeting are each held five times a year.
  • Relay lectures are organized as part of public lectures and TUFS classes.
  • We hold research meetings and international workshops inviting researchers from overseas.
2. Announcement of Research Results
  • We organize sessions in domestic academic conferences and international meetings for the announcement of research results.
  • Reports in research meetings and international workshops are shared as working papers in printed form or published online.

II. Collection of Historical Materials and Documentary Data

We systematically collect documents and historical materials pertaining to social movements, literary research, and gender and store them in the TUFS libraries.

III. Field Research

We will conduct field research for the following purporses.

  • Collection of historical materials and documents
  • Field work concerning movements, publishing, and literary activities making progress in South Asia

IV. Development of Young Researchers

  • Young researchers are organized as lecturers for relay lectures.
  • We hold Young Researcher Seminars to provide them with a venue to present their findings.

V. Promotion of International Cooperation

We promote joint research by inviting overseas researchers to TUFS through an existing program. Moreover, along with promoting exchange with overseas research institutions, we enter into inter-university exchange agreements in cooperation with TUFS leadership.

Publication of research results

  1. Details of research meetings and international workshops are published on the Center for South Asian Studies website.
  2. We will publish a collection of studies from the research unit titled Emotions and Human Ties in Contemporary South Asia (tentative).
  3. Along with augmenting the existing Urdu Literature and South Asian Languages and Cultures publications, we translate and publish works of literature in South Asian languages that are important from a social and historical perspective, along with a detailed explanation.

2015 Operational Plan

I. This Year’s Goal

Since this is the first year, the goal is to share the theme of the second phase and the five-year research promotion process among the members of the Center. For this purpose, along with organizing research meetings focusing on reports from the members apart from the Young Researcher Seminars, we will hold research meetings as a starting point for comparative research with other regions. We will also begin to plan Emotions and Human Ties in Contemporary South Asia and convene an international workshop as the first stage of building international cooperation.

II. Details of Activities

  1. Research Meetings
    The “Practice and Theory of Crisscrossed Social Movements” and “Social Transformations and Literature” research meetings are held multiple times. We also organize the Young Researcher Seminars to provide them with a platform to present reports, and hold international workshops inviting researchers from overseas with a view toward international cooperation.
  2. Field Research
    Members of the Center conduct overseas research following the purporses mentioned in the above no. III of the overview of research plans.
  3. Building International Cooperation
    We plan to build an international research network by dispatching overseas members of the Center, other stakeholders, cooperating parties, and researchers.
  4. Publication of Results
    We will augment the Center website by publishing details on research meetings and activity reports.