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[Int'l Residence] Janitor/tutor at the International Residence

Date: Nov. 20, 2013

Dear residents of International Hall,

This is to remind of janitor / tutor-system at the International Hall.

Sometimes you may have a problem or need a help while you are at the appartment (e.g. you get sick, something needs to be fixed). You can ask for help to the janitor or tutors when you need help.

The janitor stays at the office (beside the entrance of the Building 1) during 11:30-20:00.

If you need help in the night, tutors will help you to solve problems. There are 2 tutors on duty everyday, and you can find who is on-duty on the whiteboard on the 1st floor of the each dorm. Tutors are on-duty from 20:00 through 8:30 of the next morning (Sunday-Thursday), and from 20:00 through 11:30 of the next morning (Friday, Saturday, before holiday). Tutors on-duty are staying at their room during the time mentioned above (tutors will help you whenever necessary even if they are not on duty). All tutors can speak in English.


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