東京外国語大学大学院 ダブル・ディグリー修士プログラム


The Oxford Handbook

タイトルをクリックすると「The Oxford Handbooks Online」(https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/)内の該当のページを開きます。 リストのダウンロードはこちら(PDFファイル)
title pub date
Fascism 2010/10/28
Genocide Studies 2010/4/15
Iranian History 2012/1/19
Latin American History 2010/11/5
Modern German History 2011/9/29
Modern Scottish History 2012/1/26
Oral History 2010/10/13
Postwar European History 2012/5/17
Slavery in the Americas 2010/7/29
the Ancien Régime 2011/11/10
the Atlantic World 1450-1850 2011/3/24
the History of Consumption 2012/3/22
the History of Eugenics 2010/8/16
the History of Medicine 2011/8/25
World History 2011/3/31
American Immigration and Ethnicity 2016/6/1
Asian American History 2016/1/4
Cities in World History 2013/2/14
Medieval Christianity (*available for some chapters) 2014/8/21
Modern African History 2013/10/10
Modern Irish History 2014/3/27
Modern Russian History 2021/4/1
the Cold War 2013/1/31
the French Revolution 2015/1/22
the History of Communism 2014/1/9
the History of Nationalism 2013/3/7
Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America 2013/3/28
Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History (*available for some chapters) 2020/7/1
Public History 2017/9/20
Sports History 2017/4/6
the Ends of Empire 2018/12/13
Refugee and Forced Migration Studies 2014/6
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