The 2nd International Conference on Islamic Trust Studies “Translation and Transformation in Muslim's Connectivity"
Date/Time: Sat 26 Nov 2022 10:00-17:00, Sun 27 Nov 10:00–17:00
Place: Online Meeting
4F Lecture Room, Minoh Campus Building, Osaka University
The second International Conference of Islamic Trust Studies "Translation and Transformation in Muslim's Connectivity" will be jointly organized by A02 "Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge" and B02"Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy."
Objectives of the Conference
The second International Conference of Islamic Trust Studies, examines the connectivity of Muslim behavior, particularly through law and human relations. We would like to clarify how Muslims interpret and prescribe the relationship between people and the state according to the law, human relations within the family, and the relationship found in gender in Islamic education, and what wisdom is used to enable strategic responses in doing so.
Day 1
Saturday, 26 November, 14:30–17:00
Opening Address by Area Organizer for Islamic Trust Studies, Hidemitsu Kuroki (Professor, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/ Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan)
1st Session: Legal Pluralism and Islam in the History of Empires
Discussant: Gagandeep S. Sood (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)
Guy Burak (New York University, USA)
“Writing a Conceptual History of Early Ottoman Kanun (From Chinggis Khan to Bayezid II)”
Zhanar Jampeissova (Astana IT University, Kazakhstan) and Jin Noda (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
“Translated ‘Legal’ Code: Difference of Understanding the Law between Kazakh Nomads and Russian Colonial Officials”
Day 2
Sunday, 27 November, 10:00–17:00
2nd Session: Faith and Strategy: The Dynamics of Trust Building within Muslim Communities
Discussant: Marrie Lall (University College London, UK)
Faiza Muhammad Din (Humboldt University, Germany)
“Trust and Muslim Women’s Mobility”
Masako Kudo (Rikkyo University, Japan)
“Negotiating Identity among Muslim Women with Pakistani Fathers and Japanese Mothers: An Exploration of Connectivity, Gender, and Strategicity Perspectives”
3rd Session: Right and Law in the Multi-Ethnic Societies
Discussant: Gagandeep S. Sood and Zaw Lynn Aung
Kazuto Ikeda (Osaka University, Japan)
"Becoming Rohingya in Myanmar: Ethnic Politics in the U Nu Era 1948-1962"
Sayaka Takano (Chuo University, Japan)
“Legal Pluralism and Connectivity in Indonesia”
General Discussions
Concluding Remarks
Language: English
Admission: Free
Pre-registration is required.
Registration Deadline: Sunday, November 20 at 23:59 (JST)
For those coming to Osaka University,
For participants via Zoom,
Venue: hybrid meeting on site/ online,
Lecture Room, 4th Floor in Minoh Campus Building, Osaka University/ online meeting via Zoom
Pre-registration for onsite participation will be closed when reaches the maximum number of participants (currently 70). In addition, the above provisions may change depending on the situation of COVID-19 and other infections.
We ask all onsite participants to wear face masks and to cooperate with the prevention measures such as hand sanitization.
Organized by:
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) "Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge" (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA, TUFS) Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) "Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy" (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project Number: 20H05828)
For the latest information, please refer to the following link.