Symposium: "Fragmentation and Integration of European Civil Society---Background and Aftermath of the attack on French Satirical Newspaper Company"

15:00‐17:00, Sunday, 15th February(Doors open 14:40)

Date&Time 15:00‐17:00, Sunday, 15th February(Doors open 14:40)
Venue Room 115, Lecture and Research Building, 
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8534, Japan)
Report Norito Kunisue (Editorialst, The Asahi Shimbun)
Debate Takashi Miyajima(Eemeritus professor, Ochanomizu University)
Yuki Shinsenji (Associate professor, Wayo Women's University)   Kunihiro Wakamatsu
(Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; serves also as MC)
Host Institute of International Relations 
Contact:iir-sympo* replace [*] with [@])

The January shooting at a satirical paper shook France. The incident has raised various issues such as freedom of expression and its tolerance, religion, terrorism, and alienation. This symposium is to consider the reaction in European civil society after the tragic incident, focusing on the European social structure.
*Doors open to the public. No reservations are required. Admission free
*For more information(Japanese text)  
