Global Studies (Graduate School of Global Studies Doctoral Program)

The Doctoral Program in Global Studies encompasses integrated and comprehensive research and education in global languages, cultures, and societies. The program is directed at training people with expert knowledge and research capability who can be both globally focused and flexible in their approach to multifaceted problems.

This program has four clearly delineated programs of study. Students undertake systematic studies in one of these programs under the oversight of their main academic supervisor. They will also be able to take classes in a broad area of related fields so as to acquire a cross-disciplinary perspective. The degree acquired through this program is a Doctor of Philosophy.

The Doctoral Program in Global Studies comprises four programs.

  • Language and Culture Studies Program
  • International and Area Studies Program
  • Asian and African Field Science Research Program
  • Peace and Conflict Studies Program (October admissions)

Language and Culture Studies Program

This program involves cross-disciplinary research on individual or comparative languages and cultures of the various regions of the world with an emphasis on fostering multi-lingual and multi-cultural perspectives.

Classes: Linguistics, linguistics informatics, English language and English language education, phonetics, European and American linguistic theory, Asian and African linguistic theory, European and American literature and culture, Asian and African literature and culture, human culture, etc.

International and Area Studies Program

This program involves cross-disciplinary research and analyses of the specific history, society and culture of various world regions to develop a foundation for tackling international problems.

Classes: Contemporary global theory, European and American regional research, Asian, African, and Oceania regional research, international relations, etc

Asian and African Field Science Research Program

This program uses field science research methods to foster researchers in Asian and African linguistics, anthropology and area studies.

Classes: Asian and African field linguistics, Asian and African field anthropology, Asian and African regional field research, Asian and African field work, etc.

Peace and Conflict Studies Program (October admissions)

This program accepts students from countries embroiled in conflicts to train international leaders in peacebuilding. Classes are conducted in English.

Courses: Applied Peacebuilding/Conflict and Social Change/Foundation for Peacebuilding, etc.

Doctoral Program in Global Studies

Students in this program will acquire:

  • A level of skill in regional languages with the appropriate knowledge and expertise in the culture and society of those regions and the capability to take an integrated and comprehensive approach to solving the diverse problems of modern society.
  • Expert knowledge in such research areas as linguistics, literature and culture, regional studies, international relations, and peace and conflict studies.
  • The qualifications to become a highly skilled academic researcher at a university inside or outside Japan or professional in an international institute or equivalent organization.

Theses:Doctoral Dissertation