Cambodian Embassy Secretary Observes Classes, Interacts with Students
October 6, 2022
On Tuesday, October 4, 2022, Mr. Kem Borivath, Second Secretary (Culture and Education) of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Japan, visited TUFS.
Mr. Borivath interacted with 4th year students in the student cafeteria of the University Hall, toured the University Library, and observed a 1st year Cambodian conversation class. In the class, students introduced themselves in Cambodian, and Mr. Borivath asked them questions in Cambodian. When one student introduced himself by saying, “I like to dance,” he was asked, “What kind of dance do you like?” In the latter half of the class, participating students asked Mr. Borivath various questions in Cambodian about his impressions of Japanese culture and society, as well as his relationship with Cambodia. Cambodian student Chheng Naphat, who just arrived in Japan at the end of September as an exchange student, and Cambodian student Lao Sokpanhavotey, a second-year student at the School of Japan Studies, also participated in the class and interacted with the students.
After the exchange with the students, the Second Secretary met with faculty members in charge of the Cambodian language major and specially-appointed professor Kep Sokunthearath to exchange opinions on future cooperation in education and other areas. The year 2023 will mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Cambodia. Mr. Borivath expressed his hope that TUFS students will actively participate in various events that the Embassy is preparing for the anniversary, such as a Cambodian speech contest and a student soccer exchange game.