
Notice from the Immigration Bureau regarding the Great Tohoku/Kanto Earthquake

【注意】この情報は過去の情報であり、現状にはあわなくなっている可能性 があります。 【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.


Notice from the Immigration Bureau regarding the Great Tohoku/Kanto Earthquake

Excerpts from the following link: http://www.moj.go.jp/hisho/kouhou/hisai0001.html

■ Consultation service regarding embarkation/residence (visa) status within the Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau administration

Telephone numbers
Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau: 022-256-6076 (main)
Aomori Branch Office: 017-777-2939
Morioka Branch Office: 019-621-1206
Akita Branch Office: 018-895-5221
Sakatako Branch Office: 0234-22-2746
Kooriyama Branch Office: 024-936-3231

Information Center: 022-298-9014
Available in Japanese 24 hours a day
However, the consultation service is available in Japanese, English and Chinese, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

■ Contact information on airport immigration offices
Niigata Branch Office, Niigata Airport Terminal Bldg.
Phone: 025-275-4735
Narita Airport District Immigration Office, Narita Airport Second Terminal Bldg.
Phone: 0476-34-2222, 0476-34-2211
Haneda Airport District Immigration Office, Haneda Airport
Phone: 03-5708-3202, 03-5708-3211

■ Contact information on immigration procedures and office hours (as of March 16, 5 p.m.)
Please access to the following link for information on office hours for immigration procedures in Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau, Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau and Higashi-Nihon Immigration Center: http://www.moj.go.jp/content/000071744.pdf《PDF》

■ Inquiry can be made on whether a disaster victim has left Japan or not as means to ascertain their safe wellbeing.
Inquiries may be placed for the following:
Those who are either family members or have blood ties with the inquirer and registered as foreign residents in towns and villages that are designated as under Disaster Relief Act within four prefectures of Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima.

Means of inquiry: can be placed by filing the following "Declaration Items" through telephone, fax or e-mail. Answer will be made through telephone, fax or e-mail as to whether or not the registered foreigner in question has "embarkation (exit record) from the country" (has exited the country before the earthquake and has no record of entering the country afterwards.) It will require about half a day.

Declaration Items
(1) Items related to the foreigner in question: nationality, name, date of birth, sex, place of residence (XX prefecture, XX city, XX town)
(2) Items relating to yourself: nationality, name, date of birth, sex, address/place of residency, telephone number (fax number) relationship between yourself and the foreigner of inquiry

*In Japanese or English only
*It is not possible to ascertain the embarkation (exit records) of those who are residing outside the area designated as possible areas for inquiry, or to confirm location of those whose place of residency is unknown.

Phone: From 9:30 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Fax/E-mail: 24 hours a day (available on Saturday, Sunday and holidays)

Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau, General Affairs Division, Immigration
Information Management Office

Phone: 03-3580-4111
Fax: 03-3592-8129 (direct), 03-3592-7368
E-mail: nyukan44@moj.go.jp