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ASC Seminars

The 93rd ASC Seminar "Small polities, nation-states and the "monyomiji cluster"

8 October 2024, 5:40p.m.~ 7:10p.m. (JST)

Asc-93thセミナーE.pngThe 93rd ASC seminar will feature Prof.Kurimoto.

If you are in the area, please join us.

◆Lecturer: Prof.Eisei Kurimoto

Social Anthropologist, Professor Emeritus, Osaka University, Executive Director, National Institutes of the Humanities (NIHU)

◆Title: Small polities, nation-states and the "monyomiji cluster"

◆Abstract: In southeastern South Sudan, we find a dozen or more ethnic societies that is called a "monyomiji cluster." The cluster is comprised of small polities whose population ranges from a few thousand to a few tens of thousand. Those small polities have a dual and segmentary structure that is constituted of the chieftaincy (or kingship) and the graded age-set system. In this lecture, both aspects are highlighted, of resisting and imitating the state. In particular, by emphasizing "violence" as the form of exercising power, I analyze the historical dynamism of this small polity and contemplate its significance in today's world.

◆Date & Time: October 8th 2024 (TUE) 5:40p.m~7:10p.m(JST) / 8:40a.m~10:10a.m(GMT)

◆Venue: Hybrid
【Onsite】 (Room107 at Research and Lecture Bldg.1F, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Access:3-11-1, Asahi-cho,Fuchu-shi, Tokyo

【Online】 Zoom Meeting

◆Language: English

◆Admission: Free


Please scan the QR code or visit African Studies Center's HP for registration by Oct. 8th Noon(Tue)2024.
The application will be closed as soon as the capacity reaches 70 for onsite and 300 for online.
Zoom meeting invitations will be sent as a reply email to the email address you provided during pre-registration.

◆Jointly organized by African Studies Center - TUFS and Kanto Branch of Japan Association for African Studies


We held the 93rd seminar in a hybrid style and 17 participated on-site and 32 participated online.

Prof Eisei Kurimoto gave his presentation on 'Small polities, nation-states and the "monyomiji cluster"', being followed by lively discussion among Japanese and African scholars and also students in TUFS.

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