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Usami, Mayumi(2002)
Discourse Politeness in Japanese Conversation: Some Implications for a Universal Theory of Politeness”, Hituzi Syobo.

From the book cover

Tokyo Woman’s Christian University/ President of the Society
for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language

This constitutes a remarkable research outcome. A model case of precise scientific data-collection/elicitation procedure, followed by step-by-step theoretical discussion, leading to a much-awaited picture of discourse-level politeness in Japanese.  This book opens the way to a universal theory of politeness from a much wider and deeper perspective.

Janet Holmes,
Victoria University of Wellington

This book makes a very valuable contribution to the burgeoning research field of linguistic politeness. Based on both quantitative and qualitative analyses of conversations between Japanese women and men, the analysis integrates strategic and normative aspects of sociolinguistic interaction in a coherent discourse theory of politeness. Japanese provides an ideal test case for a theory which clearly extends standard Politeness Theory in the direction of a more adequate universal theory of discourse.  This book will be welcomed by the many scholars working in the area of cross-cultural politeness, as well as by graduate and undergraduate students interested in the complex issues raised in the study of linguistic politeness.

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