
Sketch Engine のユーザーグループのメモ


there's no documentation to User groups but using it straightforward.
You create a new group by clicking on the "Create new user group"
link. Then you need to name your group and you can add users. To add a
user to the group, you first need to locate their account. You do this
by entering a pattern. The patterns are matched against users'
usernames, names and e-mail addresses. The matching records are
displayed as you type. Once you find the user that you want to add you
simply check the checkbox at the name and you can enter another
pattern to find another user. Once you are happy with the list of
users you click on "OK" and the group is created.

By using  user groups you can assign privileges to groups of users
rather than to individual users. For instance, if you create two or
more corpora which you want to share with all your students, you can
create a user group for your students and set read access to the
corpora for the group (by using the "Access privileges" link in the
sidebar after opening a corpus). This is much easier than having to
locate all the students' user accounts anytime you want to share a new
corpus with your students. Also, if you get a new student you can just
add it to the group and they automatically get access to the shared


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