
**Download [#qadf07b7]

You can download Stanford Parser from [[here>http://nlp.stanford.edu/downloads/stanford-parser-2012-05-22.tgz]]
-You can download Stanford Parser from [[here>http://nlp.stanford.edu/downloads/stanford-parser-2012-05-22.tgz]]

Installation on Windows

**Installation of GUI tools [#ub7e6f73]

***Installation on Windows [#hff958c9]

+Install java first
+double click on "lexparser-gui.bat"

***Installation on Mac [#bed95099]

+Install java fist
+right click on "lexparser-gui.command" and select "open with terminal.app"

**How to run the parser on Java Interface [#t3c4ebf8]

-When the GUI window is open, press "Load File" and choose your data file.
-Then you should  press "Load Parser" button

#ref(http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpuskun/img/stp01.png,, height=40, width=80);

--Here, you should choose "*models.jar" file
-Then another list of files will open in the pop-up window "jar file choose", so you should choose "englishPCFG.ser.gz"


-When you load the file and press "parse", you can see the parsed tree on the GUI interface as below:


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