
*Introduction [#b34f821a]
-Name: Shinichi OGASAWARA
-Age: 23
-Hometown: Matsuyama, Ehime
-Hobby: Cooking, Swimming, Shopping, Reading

*Tono Zemi [#r13b783d]

**Presentation (July 10) [#e691af33]

-Analysis of the use of the verb "take" between JEFLL and BNC

--The collocation patterns of the verb "take" in JEFLL

(Show your data here)
| Word which follows 'have' | Frequency |h

--The collocation patterns of the verb "take" in BNC
Here is a table which shows the frequency of collocations using 'have' .  
|time|470	|195|393|308|0|59|1425|
|children	|220|139|72|29|99|0|559|
|lunch|91	|34|77|0|48|0|250|

(Show your data here)
RIGHT:VHI・・・the infinitive form of the verb have: have.
RIGHT:VHB・・・the finite base form of the verb have: have, 've.
RIGHT:VHD・・・the past tense form of the verb have: had, 'd.
RIGHT:VHN・・・the past participle form of the verb have: had.
RIGHT:VHG・・・the -ing form of the verb have: having.
RIGHT:VHZ・・・the -s form of the verb have: has, 's.

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