
*自立研究 /英語学・英語教育学研究1・2(2019年度) [#ga11390a]

**目的1 [#p5dfb7a7]

**目的2 [#pcf7e921]

--テキスト: [[Plonsky (2015) >https://www.amazon.co.jp/Advancing-Quantitative-Language-Research-Acquisition/dp/0415718341/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?__mk_ja_JP=%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A&keywords=Advancing+Quantitative+Methods+in+Second+Language+Research&qid=1554018723&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmrnull]]
-- 発表60分 + ディスカッション30分

***授業計画 [#m6743b77]

--Chapter 2: James Dean Brown "Why bother learning advanced quantitative methods in L2 research?" 
--- 担当するセクション: 
--- 最初 ~ Avoiding the Problem of Multiple Comparisons (p.11): [寺島さん]
--- Increasing Statistical Power (p.11) ~ Reducing Redundancy and the Number of Variables (p.13): [アンさん]
--- Expanding the Number and Types of Variables (p.13) ~ Getting More Flexibility in Your Analyses (p.15):  [晓琳さん]
--- Simultaneously Addressing Multiple Levels of Analysis (p.15) ~ Need for Data Screening (p.17): [馬場くん]
--- Complexity of Analyses and Interpretations (p.17) ~ 最後: [川本]
--自立研究報告1:  [川本]・[馬場くん]
--Chapter 3: Luke Plonsky "Statistical power, p-value, descriptive statistics and effect sizes"
--自立研究報告2: [寺島さん]・[アンさん]
--Chapter 4: G. LaFlair et al. "A practical guide to bootstrapping descriptive statistics, correlations, t-tests and ANOVAs."
--自立研究報告3: [晓琳さん]・ [川本]
--Chapter 5: Thom Hudson, "Presenting quantitative data visually"
--自立研究報告4: [馬場くん]・[寺島さん]
-6月20日 アジア辞書学会で出張のため休講
--Chapter 6: Plonsky and Oswald, "Meta-analyzing second language research" 
--自立研究報告5: [アンさん]・ [晓琳さん]

**評価 [#a2cf0a19]

**注意点 [#dddef7fa]

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