
**内容 [#ncd649a3]

後期は Stefan Gries (2009) Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R (Routledge) を読みながら、R でやるコーパス言語学の基本を一緒に習得します。

**日程表 [#y9a189f8]


**補足資料・ハンドアウト [#p971859a]
-Chapter 4
--[[4.1.1 A Frequency List of an Unannotated Corpus (pp. 106-110) [藤田]:http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_106-110.pdf]]
--4.1.2 A Reverse Frequency List of an Unannotated Corpus (pp. 110-112) [後上]
--4.1.3 A Frequency List of an Annotated Corpus (pp. 112-114) [本田]
--[[4.1.4 A Frequency List of Tag-word Sequences from an Annotated Corpus (pp. 114-118) [人見]:http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_114-118.pdf]]
--[[4.1.5 A Frequency List of Word Pairs from an Annotated Corpus (pp. 118-124)[金田]:http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_118-124.pdf]]
---[[日本語環境用修正版読み込みファイル @4.1.5 (p.118-124):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/modulated_corp_brown-tagged.txt]]
--[[4.1.6 A Frequency List of an Annotated Corpus (with One Word Per Line) (pp. 124-126) [藤田]:http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_124-126.pdf]]
--4.1.7 A Frequency List of Word Pairs of an Annotated Corpus (with One Word Per Line) (pp. 126-127) [後上]
--4.2.1 A Concordance of an Unannotated Text File (pp. 127-135) [本田]
--4.2.1 A Concordance of an Unannotated Text File (pp. 127-135) [金田]
--4.2.2 A Simple Concordance from Files of a POS-tagged (SGML) Corpus (pp. 135-141) [人見]
--4.2.3 More Complex Concordances from Files of a POS-tagged (SGML) Corpus (pp. 141-145) [金田]
--4.2.3 More Complex Concordances from Files of a POS-tagged (SGML) Corpus (pp. 141-145) [本田]
--4.2.4 A Lemma-based Concordance from Files of a POS-tagged and Lemmatized (XML) Corpus (pp. 146-149) [藤田]

-Chapter 3
--[[3. An Introduction to R - (pp. 19-28):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_19-28.pdf]]
--[[3.2 Vectors - (pp. 28-35):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_28-35.pdf]]
--[[3.2.3 Accessing and Processing (Parts of) Vectors - (pp. 35-39):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_35-39.pdf]]
--[[3.2.3 Accessing and Processing (Parts of) Vectors (2) - (pp. 39-44):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_40-44.pdf]]
--[[3.4 Data Frames - (pp. 44-49):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_44-49.pdf]]
--[[3.4.3 Accessing and Processing (Parts of) Data Frames - (pp. 50-58):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_50-58.pdf]]
--[[3.6 Elementary Programming Functions - (pp. 59-66):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_59-66.pdf]]
--[[3.6.2 Loops (2) - (pp. 66-73):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_66-73.pdf]]
--[[3.7.4 Searching and Replacing without Regular Expressions (2) - (pp. 73-81):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_73-81.pdf]]
--[[3.7.5 Searching and Replacing with Regular Expressions (2) - (pp. 81-89):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_81-89.pdf]]
--[[3.7.5 Searching and Replacing with Regular Expressions (3) - (pp. 89-96):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_89-96.pdf]]
--[[3.7.6 Merging and Splitting (Vectors of) Character Strings with Regular Expressions - (pp. 96-103):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_96-103.pdf]]

-Chapter 2
--[[2.1.1 What is a Corpus? (pp. 7-9):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_7-9.pdf]]
--[[2.1.2 What Kinds of Corpora are There (pp. 9-11):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_9-11.pdf]]
--[[2.2 Frequency Lists (pp. 12-14):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_12-14.pdf]]
--[[2.3 Lexical Co-occurrence: Collocations - (pp. 14-17):http://lexicon.tufs.ac.jp/~class2009/thu5/Gries_14-17.pdf]]

***スクリプト [#lae0ba9f]


***Chapter 1: Introduction [#jaf5b027]

-Why R?
--R ですべてできる(vs. Perl or Python)

--3章:R の基本、テキスト処理の基礎

**リンク [#g2c8364f]

-[[Companion website by S. Gries:http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/faculty/stgries/research/qclwr/qclwr.html]]

-[[Windows ユーザーのための R/Tinn-R:http://blue.zero.jp/yokumura/intro2R.html]]

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