
*Recent Issues in Learner Corpus Research (LCR) [#d7cc07fe]

-Instructor: Professor Yukio Tono (PhD, Lancaster University) ; Office 632
-Period 2, Tuesday

**Course objectives [#f9e3774f]

-You will be able to
--have basic knowledge of learner corpora regarding:
---design criteria
---data collection methods
---text processing & formatting
--read the latest research papers in this field
--discuss the followings:
---central issues in LCR
---methodological issues
---pedagogical implications

**Textbooks [#wdd41844]

There is no textbook, but those who attend will be encouraged to read the followings for basic reading:

-Granger, S. (1998) ''Learner English on Computer.'' Addison Wesley Longman.

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