
*AFRILEX2013 Preconference workshop [#u0c279ed]

-Fieldwork Practices in Lexicography 
--Jacques Van Keymeulen (Gent Univeristy, Belgium)
---historical linguistics
---dialect lexicographer

**Dictionary of Flemish dialect [#dce2f9a1]

-Dialect continuum
--West Germanic
--West Romance
--North Slavic
--South Slavic

-Different pronunciations of lopen (to run)
--French Flanders
--West Flanders
--East Flanders
--Zeeland Flanders

-Dutch vs. Emmen (North Flemish dialect)

**Language or dialect? [#x08f9896]

-sociological notion

**Dialect lexicography [#m21378ea]

-Flemish = Belgium Dutch; a dialect group in the south-west of the Dutch language area

***Word loss [#sc40d08a]

-Lexicon is the first language component to be affected.

***Material loss [#bc645704]

-Changes in technology
--disappearance of traditional tools or instruments
--disappearance of buildings or all the related terms

**Thematical dialect lexicography [#he4ada61]

-Weijnen's school (Nijmegen University)
-Three parallel regional dictionaries for the southern Dutch dialects
--Dictionary of the Brabantic Dialects (1960, 1967-2005)
--Dictionary of the Limburgian Dialects (1960, 1983-2008)
--Dictionary of the Flemish Dialects (1972 to present)

-Data collection
---ethnology: studying the realia
---conceptual categorization of the world by the dialect speaker
--inventory of lexical relevant concepts


--200 collaborators
--geographical points for questionnaire surveys.

**Input in the datebase [#xa30b0a8]

-Every dialect is put in in its normalized (to a Dutch) headword form.
--e.g. uuflakke in Gent --> hoofdvlakke
--e.g. verkiesges in Mater

**Thematical arrangement [#r140250a]

-Ethnology enriches the description of lexicography

*Preparation in Fieldwork [#cc452165]

-How to find informants
--lexical knowledge unevenly distributed
--how to find respondents
---intermediary: school teachers or clergymen

--Subjective criteria: motivation/intelligence/linguistic introspection/verbalistic
--Objective criteria: NORM-respondent for dialectology
---Men are conservative, generally speaking
---Women are vanguards; Civilization is passed onto the next generation by women.
---people born before the world war II are usually chosen, otherwise so many external factors (modernization, media influence) will affect informants' language.

-Methods of fieldwork may vary according to language component:

--describe your own language
--one cannot always trust one's own knowledge
--control necessary
-observations of spontaneous speech
--high validity of the data
--important for the closed word categories
--hard to systematize observations
-systematic fieldwork
--recording and transcribing free speech
---interview about a specific topic
---unified transcription protocol needed
---metadata should be recorded
---orthographical transcriptions
--lexicographical questionnaires
---oral interview
---investigation by correspondence (indirect method)
---contact language dialect (oral)

-Onomasiological questions
--What is the word for X?
-Semasiological question
--Do you know word X and what does it mean?

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