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Information Collaboration Center

Manuals マニュアル


How to access your TUFS Google account

Tue, 15 Sep 2020 10:24:58


● Please confirm your Google account logged in now on your computer

1. Open web browser software and access Google website.

2. Click the icon of your Google account on upper right corner.

3. The icon of your present Google account is displayed in larger size.
If it is your personal Gmail account (not TUFS), please switch your accounts following the steps below.




● How to switch your Google account from your personal account to TUFS account

1. If you have already logged in your TUFS Google account before, you can click the icon of TUFS on the pull-down list.

2. In the case the OPENAM log in window is displayed, please input ICC account and blue password.




● If you have never logged in TUFS Google account,

1. Click "+add"

2. Input your TUFS gmail address(@tufs.ac.jp)

※If your mail address contains "@aa.tufs.ac.jp", please replace it with "@tufs.ac.jp"


3. Input your ICC account and blue passwordon OPENAM screen.

openam (1).png



● If you have some trouble to switch your Google account,

1. Please use another web browser.
2. Please logout all the account, then try to login again.