] [
*LINKS: [#b60337e3]
**My official research page: [#f84fcd53]
---[[Tonolab LEXICON Server>]] ...
---[[LEXICON Mirror>
**TUFS Sites for Teaching: [#k2f659a4]
---[[TUFS IISS>]]
**XML editor [#ld854a51]
---[[JSON Formatter>]]
**APA7 [#m52a05c8]
---[[APA7 Brief guide>
**CQPWeb [#k4562ece]
---[[Corpus Work Bench Encoding manual>http://cwb.sourcef...
**CEFR-Jx27 [#f255ef65]
--Machine translation sites:
---[[Google Translate>]]
---[[Yahoo! Babel Fish>]]
**ILR (Interagency Language Roundtable) [#u71db8ae]
-[[ILR website>]]
-Related tests:
--[[FLATS (Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service, ...
--[[Language Testing International >https://www.languaget...
--[[ELPAC (EMC Language Proficiency Assessments by CARLA)...
**Google SyntaxNet [#e1fbdc2b]
**Latest links for NLP tools [#l30726c0]
-[[Corpus Tools related to Sketch Engine>
***Python [#oe02e914]
***Java [#p6fccf04]
-[[Stanford CoreNLP>]]
-[[This is a nice comparison for basic string processing>...
-[[A useful comparison of GATE vs UIMA vs OpenNLP>https:/...
-[[Here's a pretty recent list of NLP tools (2013)>http:/...
-[[Cognitive Computation Group’s NLP library>https://gith...
**Machine Learning libraries in python: [#a9669160]
-[[Sklearn (Scikit-learn)>]]
-[[Graphlab Create (Commerical tool but free academic lic...
-[[With the recent (2015) deep learning tsunami in NLP, p...
**Statistics and R [#sc0dfe2c]
-[[R by Prof Aoki>]]
-[[Dr Jin's R pages>
-[[CRAN Task View>]]
-[[CRAN Task View: Multivariate Statistics>http://cran.r-...
-[[R User Group>]]
-[[John Newman>]]
-[[Graham Neubig's Course for Programming>http://www.phon...
-[[Mizumoto-san's (excellent shiny apps)>http...
-[[Learn R on you own>
-[[Rwrapper for Corpus Workbench polmineR>http://github.c...
**Important journals: [#n96d778b]
---[[IJL>]] *editorial board
--Corpus linguistics
---[[ICAME Journal>]]
---[[Corpora>]] *...
**Conference [#f1e13c46]
**Corpus Linguistics Portals: [#qd8eefa9]
---[[David Lee's Site>
**Online corpora [#oa3f93fa]
--Corpus management system:
--Giga corpora:
---[[SEKAI Corpus>]]
---[[Linggle 10^12>]]
--BNC-related sites:
---[[Phrases in English>]]
---[[BNCWeb (CQP Edition)>
---[[BNC Spoken Audio Files>
--Shogakukan Corpus Network
--Learner corpora:
---[[JEFLL (English Version)>
--Corpora for language learning
**Lexical database [#e12c66a0]
---[[OLAC Language Resource Catalog>http://search.languag...
---[[COBUILD Grammar Pattern (Verb)>http://arts-ccr-002.b...
---[[OPUS Open Source Parallel Corpus>http://opus.lingfil...
---[[The JRC-Acquis Multilingual Parallel Corpus>http://l...
---[[Corpus Pattern Analysis (P.Hanks)>
---[[Leipzig Corpora Collection Download Page>http://corp...
**Projects & Useful resources: [#t1607d78]
---[[Multidimensional Analysis Tagger>https://sites.googl...
---[[BCCWJ Demo>]]
---[[Common Text Analysis Platform>
---[[ChaKi Wiki>
---[[ChaKi Download>]]
---[[Google Books Ngram Viewer>http://ngrams.googlelabs.c...
---[[Coca Wordlist>
---[[CliPS Pattern>
---[[MRC Psycholinguistic Databse>
---[[eMargin>]] collaborative a...
**Other links [#u3e52790]
---[[English Vocabulary Profile>http://vocabulary.english...
---[[DynamicDNS Check>
**ADMIN [#n1c26fc0]
*LINKS: [#b60337e3]
**My official research page: [#f84fcd53]
---[[Tonolab LEXICON Server>]] ...
---[[LEXICON Mirror>
**TUFS Sites for Teaching: [#k2f659a4]
---[[TUFS IISS>]]
**XML editor [#ld854a51]
---[[JSON Formatter>]]
**APA7 [#m52a05c8]
---[[APA7 Brief guide>
**CQPWeb [#k4562ece]
---[[Corpus Work Bench Encoding manual>http://cwb.sourcef...
**CEFR-Jx27 [#f255ef65]
--Machine translation sites:
---[[Google Translate>]]
---[[Yahoo! Babel Fish>]]
**ILR (Interagency Language Roundtable) [#u71db8ae]
-[[ILR website>]]
-Related tests:
--[[FLATS (Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service, ...
--[[Language Testing International >https://www.languaget...
--[[ELPAC (EMC Language Proficiency Assessments by CARLA)...
**Google SyntaxNet [#e1fbdc2b]
**Latest links for NLP tools [#l30726c0]
-[[Corpus Tools related to Sketch Engine>
***Python [#oe02e914]
***Java [#p6fccf04]
-[[Stanford CoreNLP>]]
-[[This is a nice comparison for basic string processing>...
-[[A useful comparison of GATE vs UIMA vs OpenNLP>https:/...
-[[Here's a pretty recent list of NLP tools (2013)>http:/...
-[[Cognitive Computation Group’s NLP library>https://gith...
**Machine Learning libraries in python: [#a9669160]
-[[Sklearn (Scikit-learn)>]]
-[[Graphlab Create (Commerical tool but free academic lic...
-[[With the recent (2015) deep learning tsunami in NLP, p...
**Statistics and R [#sc0dfe2c]
-[[R by Prof Aoki>]]
-[[Dr Jin's R pages>
-[[CRAN Task View>]]
-[[CRAN Task View: Multivariate Statistics>http://cran.r-...
-[[R User Group>]]
-[[John Newman>]]
-[[Graham Neubig's Course for Programming>http://www.phon...
-[[Mizumoto-san's (excellent shiny apps)>http...
-[[Learn R on you own>
-[[Rwrapper for Corpus Workbench polmineR>http://github.c...
**Important journals: [#n96d778b]
---[[IJL>]] *editorial board
--Corpus linguistics
---[[ICAME Journal>]]
---[[Corpora>]] *...
**Conference [#f1e13c46]
**Corpus Linguistics Portals: [#qd8eefa9]
---[[David Lee's Site>
**Online corpora [#oa3f93fa]
--Corpus management system:
--Giga corpora:
---[[SEKAI Corpus>]]
---[[Linggle 10^12>]]
--BNC-related sites:
---[[Phrases in English>]]
---[[BNCWeb (CQP Edition)>
---[[BNC Spoken Audio Files>
--Shogakukan Corpus Network
--Learner corpora:
---[[JEFLL (English Version)>
--Corpora for language learning
**Lexical database [#e12c66a0]
---[[OLAC Language Resource Catalog>http://search.languag...
---[[COBUILD Grammar Pattern (Verb)>http://arts-ccr-002.b...
---[[OPUS Open Source Parallel Corpus>http://opus.lingfil...
---[[The JRC-Acquis Multilingual Parallel Corpus>http://l...
---[[Corpus Pattern Analysis (P.Hanks)>
---[[Leipzig Corpora Collection Download Page>http://corp...
**Projects & Useful resources: [#t1607d78]
---[[Multidimensional Analysis Tagger>https://sites.googl...
---[[BCCWJ Demo>]]
---[[Common Text Analysis Platform>
---[[ChaKi Wiki>
---[[ChaKi Download>]]
---[[Google Books Ngram Viewer>http://ngrams.googlelabs.c...
---[[Coca Wordlist>
---[[CliPS Pattern>
---[[MRC Psycholinguistic Databse>
---[[eMargin>]] collaborative a...
**Other links [#u3e52790]
---[[English Vocabulary Profile>http://vocabulary.english...
---[[DynamicDNS Check>
**ADMIN [#n1c26fc0]