] [
[ [[CEFR-J Members]] | [[CEFR-J RLD]] ]
*CEFR-J Reference Level Descriptions (RLDs) [#v04804cf]
**What is RLD? [#d8af5fee]
-[[CEFR RLD page by the Council of Europe>https://www.coe...
**Corpora used for our RLD work [#sde8202e]
***Textbook Corpus as INPUT [#q8fc11a7]
-CEFR Course Book Corpus:
--internal resource
--96 CEFR-based course books published in the UK, with CE...
--1,801,549 running words
-English Textbook Corpus in Japan
--internal resource
--7 junior high textbooks and 21 senior high school textb...
--1,158,525 running words
***Learner Corpus as OUTPUT [#oe305faa]
--NICT JLE Corpus (CEFR-aligned version) [ [[website>htt...
---A corpus of English oral interview tests called Standa...
---1,281 examinees' interview transcripts with SST levels
---We created a CEFR-aligned version of the NICT JLE Corp...
---763,289 words (only interviewees' utterances)
--JEFLL Corpus (CEFR-level classified version) [ [[Inform...
---A corpus of free compositions by Japanese junior and s...
---10,038 samples
---669,281 running words
** CEFR-J Wordlist [#pd80ef95]
***About: [#p90d3122]
- CEFR-J Wordlist Version 1.6
--A list of 7,801 items classified by the CEFR (A1 to B2)...
--Each item has the following information:
---headword (lemma form)
---part of speech
---CEFR level
---thematic categories defined by the British Council/EAQ...
***Download [#e635c3dc]
-Version 1.6
--[ [[download>https://cefr-j.org/data/CEFRJ_wordlist_ver...
***How to cite: [#r32d3761]
--Tono, Y. (2017). The CEFR-J and its Impact on English L...
** CEFR-J Collocation Dataset [#w8a01292]
***About [#r3abc725]
- First release (September, 2022)
- Collocation list based on the CEFR-J Wordlist Ver. 1.6
- Syntactic frame-based collocation pairs extracted from ...
***Dataset information: [#tba9102f]
- Each collocation pair has the following information:
--w1: collocate
--w2: node
--w1_CEFR: CEFR level of w1
--w2_CEFR: CEFR level of w2
--relation: dependency relation
--cooccurrence: collocation frequency
--freq_w1: independent frequency of w1in the entire BNC
--freq_w2: independent frequency of w2 in the entire BNC
--w1_in_rel: frequency of w1 in the given dependency rela...
--w2_in_rel: frequency of w2 in the given dependency rela...
--DP: dispersion measure DP (Gries)
--expected_freq: expected frequencies
--Association measures for this given collocation pair:
---MI/ MI2/ MI3/ t_score/ z_score/ logDice/ log_likelihoo...
***Download [#c6dfaf85]
-ADJ+NOUN (amod): 135,939 pairs [ [[download>http://www.t...
-VERB+NOUN (obj): 114,582 pairs [ [[download>http://www.t...
-NOUN+NOUN (nounmod): 72,340 pairs [ [[download>http://ww...
-ADVERB+VERB (advmod verb): 43,992 pairs [ [[download>htt...
-ADVERB+ADJ (advmod adj): 16,180 pairs [ [[download>http:...
***Acknowledgement [#s6ee68d0]
-This dataset was created by Kohei Fukuda, a postgraduate...
***How to cite: [#f018cf92]
--Fukuda, K. & Tono, Y. (2022). The CEFR-J Collocation Da...
** CEFR-J Grammar Profile [#hc4c56f8]
***About [#x7bd5a42]
-An inventory of grammar items classified by CEFR levels
-Profiling was based on INPUT (ELT Course Book Corpus) as...
***A list of grammar items and their REGEX queries [#z007...
-The following Excel file describes 263 grammar items inv...
--[ [[download>https://cefr-j.org/PDF/sympo2020/CEFRJGP_G...
***Grammar Profile for Teachers and Learners [#qe51cee1]
-A user-friendly version of the Grammar Profile
-Visual display showing CEFR levels where particular gram...
--[ [[download>https://cefr-j.org/PDF/sympo2020/CEFRJGP_T...
***Original dataset [#o3716c2d]
-Frequencies of 263 grammar items are obtained from the f...
--CEFR-based ELT Course Books: Frequency of 263 grammar i...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--CEFR-based ELT Course Books (Position-based): Frequency...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--CEFR-based ELT Course Books (Skill-based): Frequency of...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--Written Learner Corpus: Frequency of 263 grammar items ...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--Spoken Learner Corpus: Frequency of 263 grammar items i...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
***English Level Checker [#i2ffd61c]
--A tool developed by the Okumura Lab at Tokyo Institute ...
--The site will provide a list of grammar items found in ...
--It has been trained by both textbook and essay data. In...
-Access [ [[English Level Checker>https://lr-www.pi.titec...
***How to cite: [#c6ce47de]
--Ishii, Y. & Tono, Y. (2018). Investigating Japanese EFL...
** CEFR-J Text Profile [#k8fccfa9]
***About: [#wbb6e4c2]
-Text Profile is a list of textual characteristics and th...
-The CEFR-J Text Profile was mainly constructed by our pr...
***Text profile measures [#j74d558d]
-Common measures:
--word length (1 to 3 letters)
--word length (4 to 6 letters)
--word length (7 letters +)
--average word length
--mean length of sentences
-Lexical profile measures:
--Average difficulty
-Complexity measures:
---D_score: depth x difficulty level
---L_score: depth x word length
-Grammatical measures:
***Dataset [#kb759713]
-Text profile metrics and their values for CEFR Course Bo...
---[ [[download (PDF)>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/c...
---[ [[download (Excel)>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal...
***CVLA [#m74c9ec7]
--CEFR-based Vocabulary Level Analyzer by Satoru Uchida a...
--A tool to report the CEFR levels of vocabulary used in ...
--[ [[CVLA>https://cvla.langedu.jp/]] ]
***How to cite: [#f6248bdf]
-Uchida, Satoru and Masashi Negishi (2018) Assigning CEFR...
-Uchida, S. (2015). A CEFR-based Textbook Corpus: An atte...
**Major RLD projects for English [#qc3eb9f9]
***British Council/EAQUALS Core Inventory for General Eng...
***English Profile: [#n8837bcc]
-[[English Vocabulary Profile>http://www.englishprofile.o...
-[[English Grammar Profile>http://www.englishprofile.org/...
***Global Scale of English by Pearson [#w3e30a2c]
-[[GSE Teacher Toolkit>https://www.english.com/gse/teache...
***Before CEFR [#ld38b053]
-Threshold Level Series ("T-series")
--You can access the original T-series books from [[here>...
[ [[CEFR-J Members]] | [[CEFR-J RLD]] ]
*CEFR-J Reference Level Descriptions (RLDs) [#v04804cf]
**What is RLD? [#d8af5fee]
-[[CEFR RLD page by the Council of Europe>https://www.coe...
**Corpora used for our RLD work [#sde8202e]
***Textbook Corpus as INPUT [#q8fc11a7]
-CEFR Course Book Corpus:
--internal resource
--96 CEFR-based course books published in the UK, with CE...
--1,801,549 running words
-English Textbook Corpus in Japan
--internal resource
--7 junior high textbooks and 21 senior high school textb...
--1,158,525 running words
***Learner Corpus as OUTPUT [#oe305faa]
--NICT JLE Corpus (CEFR-aligned version) [ [[website>htt...
---A corpus of English oral interview tests called Standa...
---1,281 examinees' interview transcripts with SST levels
---We created a CEFR-aligned version of the NICT JLE Corp...
---763,289 words (only interviewees' utterances)
--JEFLL Corpus (CEFR-level classified version) [ [[Inform...
---A corpus of free compositions by Japanese junior and s...
---10,038 samples
---669,281 running words
** CEFR-J Wordlist [#pd80ef95]
***About: [#p90d3122]
- CEFR-J Wordlist Version 1.6
--A list of 7,801 items classified by the CEFR (A1 to B2)...
--Each item has the following information:
---headword (lemma form)
---part of speech
---CEFR level
---thematic categories defined by the British Council/EAQ...
***Download [#e635c3dc]
-Version 1.6
--[ [[download>https://cefr-j.org/data/CEFRJ_wordlist_ver...
***How to cite: [#r32d3761]
--Tono, Y. (2017). The CEFR-J and its Impact on English L...
** CEFR-J Collocation Dataset [#w8a01292]
***About [#r3abc725]
- First release (September, 2022)
- Collocation list based on the CEFR-J Wordlist Ver. 1.6
- Syntactic frame-based collocation pairs extracted from ...
***Dataset information: [#tba9102f]
- Each collocation pair has the following information:
--w1: collocate
--w2: node
--w1_CEFR: CEFR level of w1
--w2_CEFR: CEFR level of w2
--relation: dependency relation
--cooccurrence: collocation frequency
--freq_w1: independent frequency of w1in the entire BNC
--freq_w2: independent frequency of w2 in the entire BNC
--w1_in_rel: frequency of w1 in the given dependency rela...
--w2_in_rel: frequency of w2 in the given dependency rela...
--DP: dispersion measure DP (Gries)
--expected_freq: expected frequencies
--Association measures for this given collocation pair:
---MI/ MI2/ MI3/ t_score/ z_score/ logDice/ log_likelihoo...
***Download [#c6dfaf85]
-ADJ+NOUN (amod): 135,939 pairs [ [[download>http://www.t...
-VERB+NOUN (obj): 114,582 pairs [ [[download>http://www.t...
-NOUN+NOUN (nounmod): 72,340 pairs [ [[download>http://ww...
-ADVERB+VERB (advmod verb): 43,992 pairs [ [[download>htt...
-ADVERB+ADJ (advmod adj): 16,180 pairs [ [[download>http:...
***Acknowledgement [#s6ee68d0]
-This dataset was created by Kohei Fukuda, a postgraduate...
***How to cite: [#f018cf92]
--Fukuda, K. & Tono, Y. (2022). The CEFR-J Collocation Da...
** CEFR-J Grammar Profile [#hc4c56f8]
***About [#x7bd5a42]
-An inventory of grammar items classified by CEFR levels
-Profiling was based on INPUT (ELT Course Book Corpus) as...
***A list of grammar items and their REGEX queries [#z007...
-The following Excel file describes 263 grammar items inv...
--[ [[download>https://cefr-j.org/PDF/sympo2020/CEFRJGP_G...
***Grammar Profile for Teachers and Learners [#qe51cee1]
-A user-friendly version of the Grammar Profile
-Visual display showing CEFR levels where particular gram...
--[ [[download>https://cefr-j.org/PDF/sympo2020/CEFRJGP_T...
***Original dataset [#o3716c2d]
-Frequencies of 263 grammar items are obtained from the f...
--CEFR-based ELT Course Books: Frequency of 263 grammar i...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--CEFR-based ELT Course Books (Position-based): Frequency...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--CEFR-based ELT Course Books (Skill-based): Frequency of...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--Written Learner Corpus: Frequency of 263 grammar items ...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
--Spoken Learner Corpus: Frequency of 263 grammar items i...
---[ [[download>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/corpusk...
***English Level Checker [#i2ffd61c]
--A tool developed by the Okumura Lab at Tokyo Institute ...
--The site will provide a list of grammar items found in ...
--It has been trained by both textbook and essay data. In...
-Access [ [[English Level Checker>https://lr-www.pi.titec...
***How to cite: [#c6ce47de]
--Ishii, Y. & Tono, Y. (2018). Investigating Japanese EFL...
** CEFR-J Text Profile [#k8fccfa9]
***About: [#wbb6e4c2]
-Text Profile is a list of textual characteristics and th...
-The CEFR-J Text Profile was mainly constructed by our pr...
***Text profile measures [#j74d558d]
-Common measures:
--word length (1 to 3 letters)
--word length (4 to 6 letters)
--word length (7 letters +)
--average word length
--mean length of sentences
-Lexical profile measures:
--Average difficulty
-Complexity measures:
---D_score: depth x difficulty level
---L_score: depth x word length
-Grammatical measures:
***Dataset [#kb759713]
-Text profile metrics and their values for CEFR Course Bo...
---[ [[download (PDF)>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/c...
---[ [[download (Excel)>http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal...
***CVLA [#m74c9ec7]
--CEFR-based Vocabulary Level Analyzer by Satoru Uchida a...
--A tool to report the CEFR levels of vocabulary used in ...
--[ [[CVLA>https://cvla.langedu.jp/]] ]
***How to cite: [#f6248bdf]
-Uchida, Satoru and Masashi Negishi (2018) Assigning CEFR...
-Uchida, S. (2015). A CEFR-based Textbook Corpus: An atte...
**Major RLD projects for English [#qc3eb9f9]
***British Council/EAQUALS Core Inventory for General Eng...
***English Profile: [#n8837bcc]
-[[English Vocabulary Profile>http://www.englishprofile.o...
-[[English Grammar Profile>http://www.englishprofile.org/...
***Global Scale of English by Pearson [#w3e30a2c]
-[[GSE Teacher Toolkit>https://www.english.com/gse/teache...
***Before CEFR [#ld38b053]
-Threshold Level Series ("T-series")
--You can access the original T-series books from [[here>...