[[言語教育学演習]] *Introduction [#b34f821a] -所属:東南アジア課程タイ語専攻 -将来はタイ語でコーパスを作ってみたいと思います。 -大学ではオーケストラ部でクラリネットをやっています。音楽好きの方、是非私たちの演奏会にお越しください。 *Tono Zemi [#r13b783d] **Presentation (July 10) [#e691af33] -Analysis of the use of the verb "give" between JEFLL and BNC --The collocation patterns of the verb "give" in JEFLL All forms of "give" (give,gave,given,gives,giving,gived) is used 909 times. Through the research of "give" in JEFLL, I understood that the word of "give" tends to collocate with personal pronoun the most, especially "me"(102/11.23) e.g)Give me money. Rice and milk give me [JP:パワー] Except "me", the pronouns which tend to collocate with "give" are "you"(20/ 2.2)and "us"(23/2.53) e.g)I'll give you it. Both of them give us much information. And "give" also tends to collocate with adverb particle, especially "up" (74/8.15) e.g)But he didn't give up. I never give up. --The collocation patterns of the verb "give" in BNC Through the research of "give in BNC, I understood that the word of "give" tends to collocate with personal pronoun the most, especially "you"(3385/4124texts) e.g)People will give you support. I'll give you the cash later this morning. Except"you", the pronouns which tend to collocate with "give" are "me"(1456/4124texts) and "them"(1403/4124texts) e.g)I'd like you to give me your opinions. I'll give them some encouragement. And the word of "give" also tends to collocate with article, "a"(2661/4124texts) or "the"(2719/4124texts) e.g)It is hard to give a clear answer to the question. Some of the things give the impression that I am quite mad. Some of the things give the impression that I am quite mad. In addition, I searched "give" in BNC in 3-grams, and I understood that the word of "give" tends to form " give + personal pronoun + noun(except personal pronoun) e.g)I'll give you a ring back. Give me a drink first. -The comparison of the collocations of "give" between in JEFLL and in BNC I think that as a whole, some word of "give" in JEFLL tends to be used concretely(give much money, give you new shoes, etc). On the other hand, some word of "give" in BNC tends to be used abstractly(give you a ring, give him a ride, etc)