
(subcorpus containing first 1000 tokens)


(Note the "-CQL-" literal which indicates that the next line is a CQL query)

You mentioned:
- CEFR level : A1, A2, B1, B2
- skills: vocabulary/ grammar/ listening/ reading/ writing/ speaking

Looking at a sample of your vertical file:

2	<file CEFR="A1" Title="International English for Speakers of Other Languages">
3	<text Skills="Reading">

<text> is nested in <file>, hence to get a subcorpus of A1 x Reading combination, use the following:

  <text Skills="Reading"/> within <file CEFR="A1"/>

It is now also possible to save a concordance as subcorpus (see left hand menu "Save as concordance" in a concordance view)
This all works so far only on our beta installation at beta.sketchengine.co.uk, if you want to test, we will be happy for any feedback.

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