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東京外国語大学ホームページ −地球社会化時代における教育研究の拠点大学を目指して−
東京外国語大学 学部案内 専攻・コース案内、カリキュラム、留学案内、キャンパスライフ、就学・進学
International Phonetic Association The IPA is the major as well as the oldest representative organisation for phoneticians. It was established in 1886 in Paris.
The aim of the IPA is to promote the scientific study of phonetics and the various practical applications of that science.
University College London, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics The department is pre-eminent in the United Kingdom and the world, offering undergraduate and graduate courses across the full range of the language sciences. The department has been highly rated for the quality of its teaching in the last official assessment, and has also been awarded the top rating for research quality in the most recent (2001) official survey of British universities.
Phonological Atlas of North America Welcome to the home page of the TELSUR PROJECT at the Linguistics Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania
The American Dialect Homepage Welcome to the American Dialect homepage, an effort to bridge the gap between the scholarly and literary worlds of dialectology. Some of my thoughts on how I became interested in this topic, and what the future will bring for regional speech, are included in the introduction.