
「留学生の辞書使用についての実態調査 ―東京外国語大学で学ぶ留学生へのアンケート調査の結果と分析―」

Investigating Dictionary Use by Foreign Students:
Analysis and Results of the Survey of JLPTUFS Foreign Students

The purpose of this paper is to investigate dictionary use by foreign students through the analysis and results of a survey of JLPTUFS (Japanese Language Program, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) foreign students.

The survey was conducted in January and February of 2011, using a questionnaire targeting foreign students learning Japanese language in the JLPTUFS. The survey asked students about their daily use of dictionaries. 117 responses from different speakers of various Japanese levels as well as native speakers were collected.

In light of some unnatural expressions observed in Japanese learners’ written compositions using dictionaries, as documented in the data of the “JLPTUFS Composition Corpus” established from 2009 to 2010, it is concluded that the following two points are important regarding dictionary use by Japanese language learners. First, we must consider training learners in the skills they need to use dictionaries adequately, as it is a learning strategy promoting learner autonomy. Second, we must improve the quality of dictionaries for Japanese language learners by providing a large number of example sentences that the learners can use in order to distinguish the intended usage of the targeted word in context.

「全学日本語プログラム」(JLPTUFS)、留学生、日本語学習、辞書、「JLPTUFS 作文コーパス」