



Psychological Prototype from the Viewpoint of the Semantic Network:
Through a Meaning Analysis of the Japanese Polysemic Verb tsuku

The purpose of this paper is to consider the concept of "psychological prototype" from the viewpoint of the semantic structure or "network" of polysemic words.

Two different types of prototype have been proposed. One is the theoretical prototype, which is based on linguistic criteria such as the degree of concreteness of the actions or events that the polysemic verb expresses. This theoretical prototype is also regarded as the starting point for the evolution of the complex category of the semantic network. The other type is the psychological prototype, which is based on the degree of cognitive salience, in other words, the likelihood of the language user invoking it.

Although some of the meanings of a polysemic word are relatively highly prominent from the psychological aspect, because they are theoretically less prototypical little attention has been given to their psychological prototype.

To solve this problem, I here describe the meanings and their interrelationships of the Japanese polysemic verb tsuku 'become attached'. Through the observation of the semantic network of this verb, it was found that a high degree of psychological prototypicalty can be identified as a high number of semantic "arcs" that connect one meaning to another within the semantic network. Because the primary activation of one meaning in the semantic network invokes the secondary activation of other meanings that are connected to it by those arcs, a high degree of psychological saliency can be given to a meaning that has many connections with other meanings in the network.