
Notice from SENDAI

【注意】この情報は過去の情報であり、現状にはあわなくなっている可能性 があります。 【Notice】Please note this information is old and may not be correct any more.

17th March 13:45 revised
16th March 15:20 revised

平成23年3月14日(月曜)?                                  午前6時30分

■Traffic Information
-Metro Namboku Line has partially started operating
>Date: from the first train on March 14
>Operating section: operates back and forth from Tomizawa Station to Dainohara Station
>Operating schedule: for the whole day
>Bus Operation (free of charge):
Section: from Izumi-Chuo Station ? Dainohara Station (direct, non-stop)
Duration: up until the Metro resume its operation from Dainohara Station to Izumi-Chuo Station
-Municipal Buses?
>Operate through major routes up until 20:30 p.m.
>Operate approximately once every 30 minutes - 1 hour?

■Water Supply/Garbage/Sewage System/Gas
-March 14, Monday: You can get water supply in the following areas. Water supply will end at 20:00 p.m. but it will stop prior to that time as soon as water runs out. Please make sure you bring a container (e.g. a plastic container) to get your water supply.


Water Supply Area
(starts from around 7 a.m.) Water Supply Area
(starts before around noon)
Aoba Ward Dainohara Shinrin Koen(台原森林公園)(Metro Dainohara Station Side)、Hirose Elementary School(広瀬小)、 Oritate Elementary School(折立小) Kuryu Elementary School(栗生小)、Around Nishikigaoka 7 chome kita bus stop:(錦ヶ丘7丁目北バス停付近)、Higashi Rokuban Cho(東六番丁)、Komatsushima Elementary School(小松島小)、Yoshinari Elementary School(吉成小)、Around Miyagidai 2 chome bus stop:(みやぎ台2丁目バス停付近)
MiyaginoWard Haramachi Elementary School(原町小)、Fukumuro Elementary School(福室小)、Saiwaicho Citizen Center(幸町市民センター)、Higashi Sendai Junior High School(東仙台中)、 Tsurugaya Higashi Elementary School(鶴谷東小) Nakano Sakae Elementary School(中野栄小)
Wakabayashi Ward Okino Higashi Elementary Shool(沖野東小)、 Minami Koizumi Elementary School(南小泉小)、 Furujiro Elementary School(古城小) Wakabayashi Gymnasium(若林体育館)
Taihaku Ward Shiromaru Elementary School(四郎丸小)、Nishi Taga Junior High School(西多賀中)、Main Waterworks Department(Minami Ohnoda)(水道局本庁舎(南大野田))、Tohoku Institute of Technology(Yagiyama) Fukurobara Elementary School(袋原小)、Mukoyama Elementary School(向山小)、Moniwadai Elementary School(茂庭台小)、Yagiyama Elementary School(八木山小)
、Ooshirodai Elementary School(太白小)
Izumi Ward Shogen Chuo Elementary School(将監中央小)、Naikodai Elementary School(南光台小)、Takamori Elementary School(高森小) Katsura Elemetary School(桂小)、Nanakita Elementary School(七北田小)、Nijinooka Elementary School(虹の丘小)、Chomeigaoka Elementary School(長命ヶ丘小)、Shogen Elementary School(将監小)、Koyodai Junior High School(向陽台中)、Izumi Ward Office(泉区役所)、Sumiyoshidai Elementary School(住吉台小)、Yakata Junior High School(館中)、Kuromatsu Elementary School(黒松小)、Teraoka Junior High School(寺岡中)

-Garbage and human wastes
>Please keep your garbage at home for the time being.
>We are preparing to set up provisional disposal places for disaster wastes within 2-3 days.

- Sewage system
>Sewage disposing facility is less functioning. There is a possibility that sewage may flow back and may spurt out from utility holes (manholes).
>When using toilets, please flush the toilet with the least amount of water.
>Please wash dishes with stored water and store the bathwater for use.

- Gas Supply
>All city gas supplies in Sendai City Gas Bureau area are currently unavailable.
>In order to prevent second disasters including gas leakage, please make sure to close all appliance valves, gas valves, and gas meter valves, and refrain from using them.
>Sendai City Gas Bureau is paying visits to customers’ homes to check gas meter valves. There is no prospect yet for restarting the supply.

■Bureaucratic Procedures
??- Foreign Resident Registration
・Ward Office (Kuyakusho) and General Branch Office (Sougou Shisho): Open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
・The procedures will take longer due to manual procedures.

- National Health Insurance
? In case you cannot present your health insurance card to medical institutions due to loss or others, you can have an examination by claiming your name, date of birth and address.
? Those who need a health insurance card reissued, please visit a ward office or general branch office to file your address, name, sex, phone number and other information, when required.
? Before visiting medical institutions, if certain conditions including completely- or partially-destroyed house and other damages are certified by ward office or general branch office, some of the health insurance will be exempted. The accompanying materials are not required in this case.

- Postearthquake Quick Inspection of Damaged Buildings
To quickly investigate whether or not the buildings damaged by the earthquakes can be used, the Postearthquake Quick Inspection of Damaged Buildings will be implemented. For details, please contact the City Hall’s Town Building Division (Machinami Keisei Ka).

- The deadline and due date for city tax-related declaration/procedures will be postponed for the time being.

- Fire prevention
1. Fire is breaking out from houses where electricity has been restored. To prevent the fire, please pay attention to the following:
(1)In case you evacuate from your house, please cut off the power breaker.
(2)If you wish to use electric appliances at home once electricity has been restored, please make sure to unplug all plugs from outlets.
(3)Next, please turn on the breaker switch and check that you do not smell any unusual odor.
(4)Then, please insert the plugs of electric appliances one by one and check the safety to use them.

2. In addition, for the fire prevention purpose, please pay attention to the following:
(1)In case of using candles due to the blackout, please make sure to first check that there is nothing burnable around yourself and then use them safely such that they will not fall because of aftershocks.
(2)In case of using oil heaters which you do not normally use, please ventilate the room frequently to protect yourself from carbon monoxide poisoning.
- At emergency shelters, please try to prevent from catching a cold by washing and sterilizing your hands or wearing a mask.

■Telephone Information Service in Foreign Languages
- Information including hospitals available in English, Chinese, and Korean for 24 hours on Monday, March 14, too.

Phone Number: 022-265-2471, 022-224-1919

- Kindergarten (Youchien) and School
・Sendai City municipal kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and special-needs schools will be closed starting from Monday, March 14 to Friday, March 18.
・ The announcement of high school examination results originally expected on March 15 will be postponed until Tuesday, March 22 or later. The secondary application for municipal high schools originally expected on Tuesday, March 22 will also be postponed.
- Opened Childcare Centers (Hoikujo)・All municipal childcare centers and 12 private childcare centers are open. *The acceptance situation including food service differs in each childcare center. Please contact each center for the detail.
- Children’s Hall (Jidou-kan) and Children’s Center (Jidou-Center)
Children’s Hall and Children’s Center will open for normal operating hours. However, some activities or equipment might not be available for safety reasons. Please contact each center for detail.


平成23年3月14日(月曜)?                                  午後11時30分?                                  仙台市災害対策本部

■ Sendai City Disaster Dial (only in Japanese)/available from March 15 (Tues)
Providing post-earthquake civil service information on the following:
  Electricity, Gas, Water, Transportation
  Emergency shelter locations
  Drinking water
  Temporary housing
  Hospital information, etc.
・Phone Number: 022-214-3805?

■Telephone Information Service in Foreign Languages (available in English, Chinese, and Korean)

Phone Number: 022-265-2471, 022-224-1919

■Sendai City Volunteer Center (仙台市ボランティアセンター)/available from March 15 (Tues)
Time: 9:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m.
 Role: Support the needs of local residents

1 Miyagino Ward Volunteer Center(宮城野区災害ボランティアセンター)

Phone Number: 022-231-1320
Venue: Miyagino Gymnasium, Arena for Disabilities(宮城野体育館 障害者アリーナ)
Address: 4-1-1 Shindenhigashi, Miyagino Ward
2 Sendai City Disaster Volunteer Center(仙台市災害ボランティアセンター)

Phone Number: 022-262-7294
Venue: Sendai City Welfare Plaza(仙台市福祉プラザ内)
Address: 2-12-2 Itsutsubashi, Aoba Ward  
3 Currently considering to launch the service for Aoba Ward, Wakabayashi Ward, Taihaku Ward and Izumi Ward
■ At the moment, traffic is congested in various parts within Sendai City with major repercussions on the transport of the emergency supplies to shelters. Please refrain from using cars other than in case of emergencies.

平成23年3月15日(火曜)?                                  午後3時30分?                                  

■ Collection of garbage

Collection of household garbage on usual days of the week starting March 15, Tuesday.

Due to limited amount of gasoline available for garbage collecting vehicles, do limit the amount of garbage per disposal.

Other types of garbage such as cans, bottles, PET bottles, waste paper will not be collected as of yet.

■ Setting up sites to place the dishes and furniture damaged by the disaster.

(1) Time:
9:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. (also available on Saturday and Sunday)

(2) Venue:
Aoba Ward:
Seikaen Koen Yakyujo/西花苑公園野球場(せいかえんこうえんやきゅうじょう) (Seikaen Park Baseball Stadium), 1 chome, Seikaen, Aoba Ward
Miyagino Ward:
Tsurugadani Chuo Koen Higashigawa/鶴ケ谷中央公園東側(つるがだにちゅうおうこうえんひがしがわ) (Tsurugadani Central Park East Side) , 6 chome, Tsurugadani, Miyagino Ward   
Wakabayashi Ward:
Imaizumi Yakyujo/今泉野球場(いまいずみやきゅうじょう)(Imaizumi Baseball Stadium), Imaizumi Azashishiana, Wakabayashi Ward

? Taihaku Ward:
Nishinakada Koen/西中田公園(にしなかだこうえん) (Nishinakada Park), 7 chome, Nishinakada, Taihaku Ward
Izumi Ward:
Shogen Koen Yakyujo/将監公園野球場(しょうげんこうえんやきゅうじょう) (Shougen Park Baseball Staduim), 10 chome, Shogen, Shogen Junior High School North Side
Contact: Waste Management Division, Environment Bureau, City of Sendai
Phone Number: 022-214-8226 (available only in Japanese)

■Telephone Information Service in Foreign Languages (available in English, Chinese, and Korean)

Phone Number: 022-265-2471, 022-224-1919
Highway bus services after March 16 (Wednesday)
*Due to highways not possible to use, the buses will be operated using ordinary roads.
*However, the bus service operation may be stopped in case of fuel shortage.

To the Yamagata area
To Yamagata
Bus operation to Yamagata continuously available from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Operated by Miyagi Kotsu (Miyagi Transportation)
Number of busses not predetermined
Yamakou Bus operates 17 buses.

To Shinjo
From Sendai Station, Number 22 in front of former Sendai Hotel (Yamakou Bus)
11:05, 13:05, 15:35, 17:35 

To Sagae
From Sendai Station, Number 22 in front of former Sendai Hotel, as usual (Yamakou Bus)
9:25, 12:25, 15:15, 16:15, 17:25, 18:45, 20:05

To Yonezawa
Number 42 at East Exit of Sendai Station (Yamakou Bus)
16:20, 20:00

To the Akita area
To Odate
Number 42 at East Exit of Sendai Station (Shuhoku Bus)

To Futatsui/Noshiro
Number 42 at East Exit of Sendai Station (Shuhoku Bus)

To the Iwate area
To Ichinoseki
Numbers 31 and 32, Sakura no Mae (In front of Sakura) at Sendai Station (Higashi Nihon Kyuko-Express)
8:00, 11:00, 17:30, 19:00

To the Fukushima area (between March 16 to March 18)
To Fukushima
At Number 40, Hirose Dori Bus Terminal in front of Sendai Station (Miyagi Kotsu, JR Bus)
8:00, 8:30, 10:30, 11:40, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:55, 18:40, 19:00

To the Niigata area
To Niigata (Need prior reservation)
Number 42 at the East Exit of Sendai Station (JR Bus)
7:30, 9:10, 10:50, 12:20, 14:35, 16:35, 18:35, 23:40

To the Tokyo area
To Shinjuku (Need prior reservation)
Number 42 at the East Exit of Sendai Station (JR Bus) 
8:00, 9:20

To within Miyagi Prefecture
To Kannari
Bus Pool Number 1 in front of Sendai Station (Higashi Nihon Kyuko-Express)
8:10, 9:20

To Ichihasama
Bus Pool Number 1 in front of Sendai Station (Higashi Nihon Kyukou-Express)

To Wakayanagi/Tome/Toyoma
Numbers 31 and 32, Sakura no Mae (In front of Sakura) at Sendai Station (Higashi Nihon Kyukou-Express)
6:30, 8:10
To Furukawa
Bus Pool Number 1 in front of Sendai Station (JR Bus)
18:00, 18:40

Miyagi Kotsu North Division
Tomiya Office: 022-358-9031
Izumi Office: 022-772-0501

Miyagi Kotsu South Division
Sendai Office: 022-243-2131
Sendai South Office: 022-381-3230

JR Bus Tohoku Sendai Station East Exit Information Center: 022-256-6646
Yamakou Bus Highway Bus Reservation Center: 022-236-6995

Shuhoku Bus     
Odate: 0186-44-5566
Noshiro: 0185-52-4890

? Miyakoh (Miyakou) Bus Highway Bus
Kurikoma Line, Naruko Line, Furukawa Line and Kami Line are operating normally under holiday schedule. Ohira Line and Zaomachi Line are operating under holiday schedule, however, the operations are few in number. Sanuma Line is operating for two round trip operations per day (schedule not predetermined). Other lines are not in operation.

For details, please refer to the Miyagi Kotsu website below.
