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履修コード:1521  授業科目名:ドイツ語表現演習Ⅰ
単位数:1単位    年次:3年~   時間割:1学期 金3

講義題目名:Horen, Lesen, Schreiben, Reden, Diskutieren 1

授業の目標:Develop oral and written communication skills, composition practise of various forms. Listening comprehension training.

授業の概要:Elaborate dialogues, page long texts and articles, watch parts of good German movies, describe them and discuss and interprete their content within the framework of German culture and society

授業の計画:practise of dialoges and free oral and written expression in German all or a selection of topics on leisure and work, family, holidays, school and education, food

成績評価の方法:regular homework of mostly text composition, speaking, listening comprehension, active participation in discussions, expressing opinions, writing during class, attendance.

受講上の注意:No exam at end of term, but written homework is obligatory for obtaining points. Necessary: notebooks for taking notes, extra paper for writing and notebook for listing new vocabulary sorted by topics Homework can be handwritten or typed

テキスト・教材 em neu 2008 Bruckenkurs, Hueber Verlag

履修コード:1522  授業科目名:ドイツ語表現演習Ⅰ
単位数:1単位    年次:3年~  時間割:2学期 金3

講義題目名:Horen, Lesen, Schreiben, Reden, Diskutieren 2

授業の目標:Develop oral and written communication skills, composition practice of various forms. Listening comprehension training.

授業の概要:Elaborate dialogues, page long texts and articles, watch parts of good German movies, describe them and discuss and interpret their content within the framework of German culture and society

授業の計画:practice of dialogues and free oral and written expression in German all or a selection of topics on film, travel, music, sports and fashion

成績評価の方法:regular homework of mostly text composition, speaking, listening comprehension, active participation in discussions, expressing opinions, writing during class, attendance.

受講上の注意:No exam at end of term, but written homework is obligatory for obtaining points. Necessary: notebooks for taking notes, extra paper for writing and notebook for listing new vocabulary sorted by topics

This course is the continuation of Horen, Lesen, Schreiben, Reden, Diskutieren 1 (1521)

テキスト・教材: em neu 2008 Bruckenkurs, Hueber Verlag


2012年4月22日 20:49に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


次の投稿は「ドイツ語 I(初級文法・読解・聴解)補足練習」です。


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